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Optimizing Your Resume for the ATS

Resume Strategy
July 27, 2023

The job search process includes you looking at the job opening, applying with your updated resume and then the employer getting in touch with you. But at times you never hear back. Or rather most of the times you do not hear back from the employer.

Ever wondered why? Even when the job required the exact skill set that you possess, you do not hear back. This is because of the times your resume has not reached the human hands and got filtered through the ATS (Applicant Tracking System).

What is an ATS?

An ATS is a software application that helps the recruiters manage recruiting systems electronically. It can be implemented on a business level or can be accessed online depending on the needs of the company.

"When does ATS Matter to a Job Seeker? As a job seeker when you are looking for a job online, ATS matters. So next when you are writing your resume keep your focus on both the software that short lists you and the human that reads your resume next."

How to Optimize Your Resume for ATS?

Optimizing your resume for ATS is not a difficult task to do. Here are some easy tricks that optimizes your resume and makes it ATS friendly:

1.    Use keywords from the job description mirroring the language used there

2.    Free your resume from images and graphics; the software does not read images or graphics

3.    Your selection of fonts should be wise. It is best to stay with the traditional fonts like Aerial, Times New Roman or Georgia

4.    Include only relevant information. Get rid of past experience that has no connection with the present opening

5.    Do not use any special characters, the system would not read them

6.    Focus on your skill section and make sure it has all the relevant skills mentioned in the job description